Monday, June 26, 2006


It's interesting to see the changes in maturity in the last six months with Kyle. Not physical but mental and spiritual. I suspect that Karate has something to do with that but here goes a partial list.
  • He was the one who wanted to become an apprentise in Karate because "I want to help other kids".
  • His report card was all A's and B's this last quarter
  • He was the one to volunteer to help with the 4 & 5 year olds at Vacation Bible School, in spite of his mom thinking he should help with a different age group.
  • The other day, he helped a friends mother with bringing in groceries while his friend did not.
  • He has been standing up for what is right instead of what is borderline while playing with the neighbors.
I know that sometimes the motivation is money (getting paid for chores instead of an allowance), some is to get those "coach stripes" for Karate but I see less and less of those motivations and more and more just "doing what is right".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The maturity of Kyle is a direct reflection of your parenting - good job!!!