I did my first weekend alone (well 2 out of 3 services anyway) in the sound booth at
church. There were some twists, turns and bumps but I heard a lot of compliments from those in charge.
Some thoughts about the differences in "Worship Arts" between sound and playing.
- On the whole, running sound is more stressful. You are always on, even between services.
- While on, playing can be more stressful. We are to memorize our music.
- There is a larger time commitment while playing.
- You need to remember more while playing.
- Musicians make some of the best sound people. They should already have an "ear" for what is going on. The technical end can be a little stressful for some however.
Which would I rather do? Play! Why? Not because I particularly enjoy being up front but it is where I feel I can participate in both corporate and personal worship of God best. I am committed, however, to serve. That means, where ever I am needed.