Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I know I have mentioned before that I thought we tend to look at our faith through culture colored lenses.

I was struck with this a few times over the past weeks. A few months ago, I read a post from Greg Boyd who mentions the influence the Greek culture had on our view of God and prayer.

Then, recently, I listened to a podcast of a couple of philosophers, Jack Caputo and Richard Kearney, talking about the effect of Greek philosophy on the teachings of the early church. It is pretty dry but I included the link to part one above.

Some of the effect that Greek philosophy had was the process of reasoning but much of it tended to try and define God.

Yesterday, on the recommendation of my friend Dave, I (finally) listened to "Ten Shekles and a Shirt" on Judges 17. The message was given by Paris Reidhead many years ago. In this message, he talks about the effect that humanism has had on the Gospel since the 1800s when Darwin started the movement.

My thoughts?
  • We need to start looking to the God of the Bible, not the God we think is in the Bible.
  • While one of the reasons Christ died on the cross was to offer us salvation, "It's not about me"!
  • Once we start letting other philosophy's form our view of the Bible, we start getting off track.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amen and amen. Unfortunately the church of Acts did exactly what you suggest we don't do. And we've been doing it for the past 2000 years. We live with a sin nature hangover, and all we can do is hope to minimize it.

Rom. 7:15-20